Online Brand Protection: 5 Reasons You Should Register Your Trademark

By Daniel Nashid on Thursday, November 10th, 2016 in INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, SOCIAL MEDIA, Trademarks.

  A registered trademark provides protection for brands and businesses online and in the traditional offline economy.  A registered trademark can protect the name of your products and services.  The process for obtaining a registered trademark can be confusing and complex, a smart entrepreneur would do well to engage the services of a professional to […]

Defamation and Social Media: Pritchard v. Van Nes

By Daniel Nashid on Wednesday, June 1st, 2016 in SOCIAL MEDIA.

  Defamation is a communication about a person that unjustifiably damages the person’s reputation.  It causes the reader or listener to think less of the person.   Defamation on social media attracts liability just as it would in traditional print and media.  In fact, due to the viral nature of many social media platforms, such […]

REVENGE PORN – American Privacy Torts Continue to Migrate North

By Daniel Nashid on Tuesday, March 8th, 2016 in Copyright, Privacy, SOCIAL MEDIA.

  A recent decision of the Ontario Superior Court in Doe 464533 v. ND found damages available to the victim of revenge porn[1] – the public sharing of a sexually explicit video without the consent of the victim – under the novel privacy tort of “publication of embarrassing private facts”.[2]  The decision of the Court […]